1. Rulestar
  2. Logic
  3. Logic for Repeatable Sections

"Any" and "All" Components of a Repeatable Field

When "Any" and "All" can be used as subcomponents in logic and tokens

Please make sure you are familiar with repeatable sections before continuing.


To reference a field within a repeatable section outside of that repeatable section (ie, later in the smart online form, named ranges and replacement rules), you need to specify which repetition of the field you are using.

You do so by selecting a "repetition subcomponent".

In addition to the specific repetition values (1, 2, 3 etc) and the "Repeat" component you can also use the "Any" and "All" subcomponents. They can be found at the bottom of the subcomponent drop-down list.


"Any" Subcomponent

The "Any" subcomponent is equivalent to a logical 'Or' of all repetitions of a repeatable field. It tests the logical rule for every repetition and returns true if at least one of the tests is true.

For example, if three repetitions of the field "Best contact method:" exist, these two expressions are equivalent.



"And" Subcomponent 

The "All" subcomponent is equivalent to a logical 'And' of all repetitions of a repeatable field. It tests the logical rule for every (instantiated) repetition and returns true if all of the tests are true. Any uninstantiated repetitions will not be included in the test and will not result in a false return value.

For example, if two repetitions of the field "Best contact method:" exist, these two expressions are equivalent.