Inline formatting controls are a helpful feature of the Rulestar system designed to easily create an inline list. There are two main situations where inline formatting controls should be used:
- when a checkbox field is used to merge content into your document; and
- when multiple ranges of conditional content make up elements of an inline list.
If you would prefer to create a list of enumerated (or bulleted) paragraphs, please see legal formatting controls.
Types of Inline Formatting Controls
There are two inline formatting controls defined within Rulestar:
- InlineAND;
- InlineOR; and
- InlineANDOR.
As the names suggest, InlineAND formats text to create an inline list in which "and" precedes the last element eg, "The event will take place on Monday, Wednesday AND Friday", whilst InlineOR formats text to create an inline list in which "or" precedes the last element eg, "The event will take place on Monday, Wednesday OR Friday". Similarly, InlineANDOR creates an "and/or" before the final element.
Inserting Inline Tags
Inserting an Inline tag is simple and follows the same process as marking a range of conditional content. Use the desired inline formatting control name as the title of the content control (see below). Unlike condition content, inline formatting controls do not require a corresponding named range in the builder.
Merged Checkbox Field
When merging the answer to a checkbox field into your document the inline formatting control should be placed directly around the merged content, as seen below.
Ranges of Conditional Content
If the elements of an inline list are made up of ranges of conditional content, each range must end with a comma and space, including the last element. The inline formatting control should be placed around all conditional content that could make up the list, as seen below.
Formatting Other Text with Inline Formatting Controls
Inline formatting controls can be used to format any other inline list within your document. For example, if your document merges the answer to a text field for which a list could be an acceptable response, you could include inline formatting controls to ensure that the response is merged inline with the correct comma and "and"/"or" placement.