1. Rulestar
  2. Application Administration

Form Access

Managing who can access your forms and what they're able to change

This article will focus on how to grant access to a form from within a form's settings. We'll be referring to the 'Settings' and 'Access' tabs which can be found in any published or unversioned form.  Form access can also be controlled through Companies, Users and Groups.  Please refer to those pages for additional information.  Note that a User must be an Application or Form Administrator to perform this function.

Public Forms

Within the Settings tab, under 'General', you'll see an option to make a form 'Public'.  Doing this will also check the 'Include in company forms library' option.  Making a form public enables automatically grants all application users the 'Form Viewer' role (go here for more information about roles), enabling them to view the published version of the form in the builder.  Users won't be able to make any changes unless you grant them additional permissions (see Allocating Access below).  Making a form public also means that it can be embedded for use by any company.

Making a form public is appropriate when you want everyone to have access immediately.  Note that users will also be able to clone a public form if they'd like to have access beyond what the 'Viewer' role entitles them.

Allocating Access

The Access menu item under the Settings tab is used to allocate form access to specific users, groups and companies.  To switch between allocating access between these types, use the buttons shown below.  (If you can't find a particular user, group or company, you may need to switch the toggle in the top right corner of the form to 'show all'.)For application users (and groups of users), access is tiered into Viewer, Editor and Administrator roles (see more on these roles below).  Companies (or, more specifically, their end-users) can only access forms from the 'front-end', i.e. once they've been embedded.  As such, granting access is binary (either it can be embedded for a company or not).

Form Roles

To access a form, Users must be granted one of the Viewer, Editor or Administrator roles.  We've summarised the abilities of the roles in the table below:

  Viewer Editor Administrator
Open Published Forms noun_tick_190431 noun_tick_190431 noun_tick_190431
View Submissions of Published Forms* noun_tick_190431 noun_tick_190431 noun_tick_190431
View Payments of Published Forms* noun_tick_190431 noun_tick_190431 noun_tick_190431
Open Draft Forms   noun_tick_190431 noun_tick_190431
Edit Forms (including Fields, Named Ranges and Replacement Rules)   noun_tick_190431 noun_tick_190431
Upload a new template   noun_tick_190431 noun_tick_190431
Publish Form     noun_tick_190431
Embed Forms*     noun_tick_190431
Grant access to other Users/Groups/Companies*     noun_tick_190431
Change Retail settings     noun_tick_190431

*Users must also have access to a Company for these functions.