Saving and Resuming

The Rulestar system includes a save and resume function that allows you to save your progress and complete a smart online form over multiple sessions. The submission can be resumed by yourself as well as other users who have access to your submissions.


Saving a submission

When completing a form, you are able to save your progress at any time:

  1. Click the "SAVE AND RESUME LATER" link at the bottom of the form.
  2. You will be prompted name the submission. By default, the submission name will be the name of the form, but you are encouraged to edit this to help you identify the submission later within the table of submissions in the builder.
  3. Confirm by clicking the "SAVE AND RESUME LATER" button.

Resuming a saved submission

A saved submission can be resumed with all previously entered answers already populated. To resume a saved submission:

  1. Navigate to the Submissions page in the top navigation bar to access all submissions across all forms, or open the relevant form and navigate to the Submissions tab (see here for more details about accessing submissions).
  2. Locate the submission you wish to resume. A couple of tips on this:
    • You may need to adjust the date filter at the top of the submissions table if the submission that you wish to resume was saved some time ago.
    • You can use the text filter at the top-right of the submissions table to search for the submission by submission name, which is why giving each submission a unique name when you save it is helpful.
  3. Hit the resume button, which looks like a "play" icon, at the right-hand side of the submission in the table. The form will then open up in a new window for you, with all previously entered answers already populated. You can then use the section navigation panel to jump to the end to continue.


Completing Intake Form submissions

When an Intake Form is submitted, the answers flow up into the parent form and the Intake From submission will appear as a saved submission in the submissions history of the parent form. From there, it can be resumed in the normal way. See here for more information about Intake Forms.

Please note that saving and resuming of Intake Forms by front-end users is not available.

Saving and resuming for e-commerce/retail forms

Forms embedded for e-commerce/retail use can be saved and resumed by front-end users. To find out about saving and resuming of submissions by retail users, see here.